- #Companionlink invalid class string registration#
- #Companionlink invalid class string code#
(The collections safety checks look for duplicates and throw an exception.)
A ComponentTypes value can no longer consist of duplicate types. TypeCategory.Class is deprecated in favour of TypeCategory.UnityEngineObject. improved performance of EntityManager.AddComponent(NativeArray,ComponentType) and EntityManager.RemoveComponent(NativeArray,ComponentType). Updated packages and to version 1.4.3-preview. Improved performance of EntityQuery.CreateArchetypeChunkArray().
Updated package to version 0.9.0-preview.1. is now initialized to zero when the World is created. DOTS Runtime now supports Burst.CompileFunctionPointer allowing for lambda job and Entit圜ommandBuffer playback to be Burst compiled. Added EntityQuery.IsEmpty function which respects the EntityQueryFilters. More detailed profiling of individual EntitiesILPostProcessors to Editor log (look for lines with "EILPP" marker). Reduced overhead of IJobEntityBatch execution by 5-10% if batchesPerChunk is 1. Old (EntityQuery entityQuery) and EntityManger.AddComponentData(EntityQuery entityQuery, NativeArray componentArray) is 2x faster. These functions were used to set the deprecated ComponentSystemGroup.UpdateCallback field instead, just set ComponentSystemGroup.FixedRateManager directly. FixedRateUtils.EnableFixedRateCatchUp(), FixedRateUtils.EnableFixedRateSimple(), and FixedRateUtils.DisableFixedRate(). Instead, the group calls the ShouldGroupUpdate() method on its FixedRateManager property (if non-null) to accomplish the same effect. ComponentSystemGroup.UpdateCallback is deprecated. For better compatibility with UnityEngine, the new field applies to both the fixed-rate and variable-rate timesteps. The maximum delta time is now stored in World.MaximumDeltaTime. FixedStepSimulationSystemGroup.MaximumDeltaTime has been deprecated. *Fixed Reduced overhead of IJobEntityBatchWithIndex prefiltering by up to 20% if batchesPerChunk is 1, or if EntityQuery filtering is disabled. Now these files are under SceneDependenc圜ache instead, so there is only one magic directory to deal with until we can remove it completely in future Unity versions. Removed usage of TempAssetCache for some livelink cases. *Deprecated ArchetypeChunk.BatchEntit圜ount property. *Removed deprecated ArchetypeChunk.Locked() method. This can happen legitimately if the requested batchesPerChunk value is higher than the entity count for a particular chunk. IJobEntityBatch and IJobEntityBatchWithIndex now quietly skip batches whose size is zero. The passed in type must be registered to have field information generated explicitly via the assembly attribute. TypeManager.GetFieldInfo now takes in a Type to return an NativeArray.
changed chunk size from 16128 bytes (16 KB - 256 bytes) to exactly 16384 bytes (16 KB).improved performance of EntityQuery.CopyFromComponentDataArray.The UnsafeUtility memory allocators have been moved to NativeJobs.
#Companionlink invalid class string code#
The job safety system has be moved to NativeJobs as C++ code.Properties packages updated to 1.5.0-preview.Platform packages updated to 0.9.0-preview.9.Improved performance of EntityQuery.ToEntityArray().
#Companionlink invalid class string registration#
libcurl Stevedore artifact registration.DOTS naming standards to CONVENTIONS.md.EntityQuery.SetOrderVersionFilter() and EntityQuery.AddOrderVersionFilter() which can be used to filter the Order Version independently from the Changed Version of a chunk.Added SceneSystem.IsSectionLoaded to enable querying if a specific section of a scene is loaded.Add ComponentSystemGroup.FixedRateManager property, to store the current active IFixedRateManager implementation.See FixedRateUtils.cs for reference implementations. Add IFixedRateManager interface for fixed-timestep implementations.Exception's stacktrace are recorded in conversion logs.World.MaximumDeltaTime now controls the maximum deltaTime that is reported to a World.Special handling for Cameras and Colliders in preparation for root scene conversion, though they are disabled by default still.Unlike existing overloads of CreateEntity, this new overload takes no Entity array and returns no Entity array, so it avoids waste and bother in cases where callers don't need the actual Entity values. EntityManager method CreateEntity(EntityArchetype, int).